A newly launched printed t-shirt e-commerce platform wanted to boost their online t-shirt purchases.
Challenges Faced
A new website doesn’t have any presence on Google. They only had good fan base on Instagram. They wanted to get more sales using Facebook. As they are start-up, they dint have enough marketing budget to boost sales.
Strategies & Execution
The team at External Experts took this as a challenge and came with the several offers and campaigns that gave them better results. They created videos, carousels, banner images to build customer base online.
The targeting was very niche as the t-shirt was made up of 100% organic cotton and cost of one t-shirt was way too high when compared to ordinary t-shirt. So the team decided to build the niche audience using video marketing.
They started building audience on Facebook, then retargeted those people with different kind of offers. This brought them sales through website and eventually cost of acquisition reduced.
Sales through website was 5 in the first month, then it increased to 25 in 4th month. Around 400% increase in their website sales. Overall cost per sale was around Rs. 147.